
JPinephelus striatus

JPinephelus striatus, that is my real name!! Seriously.. it is! yah who am I kiddin. If you don't know, this is the actual name Epinephelus striatus. Which is a scientific name for a Nassau Grouper, a salt water fish. I swear sometimes though that I came from the ocean, maybe Ariel is my grandmother or something. What I really wanted to say is that, I love the water!

When I was a child, my family rented a cabin for two weeks during the summer, I spent every monkey loving day in the lake, swimming and exploring. It was a treasure for me if I could find a dead fish laying in the sand!

In school I was on the swim team, I could never do sprints so the coach always put me on the 500 freestyle every swim meet. I didn't mind it at all, except when I had to swim the 400 IM relay right after the 500. Now im at a college that sits right near a lake, what could be better than that. I also swim laps every M/W/F and weekends at the Rec. Even today, after classes it was raining pretty steady, did I go in the tunnels? nooooo I decided to walk all the way from Hagg Sauer to Maple Hall outside, so now here I sit, in front of the computer with a blanket around me!

I went a little overboard once, I went on a trip to Costa Rica 4yrs ago in HighSchool. It was the first time I have ever been to the ocean, we did spend a day at the beach and most everyone swam a little ,then went up on shore to tan, not me.. I stayed in the ocean for 4 hours. For you none geography majors, Costa Rica is right damn near the equator, so you know what happend to my beautiful Minnesota Tan at high noon for 4 hours? I got burnt! 3rd degree burn to be exact. I had blisters on my back for two days I had never been in so much pain before in my life! But was it worth it? Hell YES! If God does send another flood our way, dont save a seat for me on Noah's boat!


Tattoo- a "soap box" post, you are warned

I'm a rebel...

I turned 21 last summer, and went to Fargo with my close sister and brother. We celebrated hardcore, and yes I did puke so you know my 21st b-day was successful!! I don't know if my sister was serious or just joking around when she said "Hey! Lets go get tattoos" A tattoo? GASP! I thought having an earing in my upper ear in the cartalidge was bad enough! I think we both forgot about the whole thing and I went back home to go to work. Then I started thinking... "My sister is leaving for Montana, we are close.. why not get something to remind me of her and our great times we had. Then BAM! I got an appointment for my sister and I to get a tattoo at the nearby town. Now, how to tell my parents..... oooooh boy.. But then I was thinking again (yes, for the second time) My parents let me drink underage, they even bought me alcohol, and let me bring some up to a dry campus (not telling which one) Ive got more than 2 earings.. how bad can a tattoo be to them, I am 21 for freakin sake! I didn't even ask them, I just told them. I Am Getting A Tattoo! They just shook their head and told me that I was no longer the "good" daughter. (long story) So I got one!

That lil story was background for what I really wanted to say in this posting. What really bugs me are the girls or guys that get Tattoos for the hell of it. Especially girls who get the butterflies, fairies or flowers. Unless they mean anything to you why get them? Just because they look pretty? Duuuumb! If you get bored in class, a fun game is to see how many girls have celtic designs on their lower back, I think i've counted 5 in one class of 20. The only good it does is it gives guys something to look at as they are screwing you in their Geo, behind McDonalds. It's not just the girls who have poor taste, for instance, ive seen guys have barb wire on their arm. Unless there is a meaning behind it, it doesn't make you look tough, it makes you look like a pussy since you are too chicken to have real barb wire on your arm, just a picture of one.

The number one question that people ask when they see you have a tattoo is "Why did you get it?" 85% of you will say "Just because" while the other 15% will go into details and amaze the person because you are a dedicated person with some heart and passion. I've seen some pretty pathetic tattoos that my friends have, someone had a rubber ducky on their lower back, she wasn't quite right in the head and showered after she got it. If you have never had a tattoo before, the number one rule is,you can't get your tattoo wet for about a week. The ink spread and now its nothing but a yellow blob. Another friend was recommended to this lady who wasn't licensed, and screwed up her butterfly on her ankle. While my other friend has a tattoo of an ice skate on her ankle, sure it sounds dumb but she has ice skated since she had legs, she played in H.S. and in college.

I apologize if I may have offended you, I just wanted to say to the people who are thinking about getting a tattoo, make sure its something that you really want, that has meaning behind it.. you will be 100% happy with it, like I am with mine.

oh, and another thing.. don't get a tattoo of a lovers name! I think you all know that, but some people aren't that bright.

My Tattoo: "Why did you get it?" The symbol means "Younger Sister" and I got it because im very close to not only my siblings, but with my whole entire family. I will forever be called the "Younger Sister" It is my title! The other reason is because it was a bonding moment with my sister and I, the one who is moving to Montana. We both got a tattoo that day so it was special to the both of us, I will never forget it!


A Tribute To MST3K

MST3K Ring a bell? How about Myster Science Theatre 3000?.... No?... Figures, the only person that I know that knows MST3K is my roommate. The rest of you nerds are missing out on one freakin' hilarious show. If my sources are correct, MST3K was played on Comedy Central and the SciFi Channel.
MST3K is a show that was put together in Minnesota. The show is about a guy named Joel who is on this space ship along with his robot pals, Crow (a bird with a weird head) and Tom Servo (A gumball machine) They sit and watch these old cheesy movies and make fun of them. The theme song pretty much tells the whole story, so I will post that here:
In the not-too-distant future--
Next Sunday A.D.--
There was a guy named Joel,
Not too different from you or me.
He worked at Gizmonic Institute,
Just another face in a red jumpsuit.
He did a good job cleaning up the place,
But his bosses didn't like him
So they shot him into space.

We'll send him cheesy movies,
The worst we can find (la-la-la).
He'll have to sit and watch them all,
And we'll monitor his mind (la-la-la).
Now keep in mind Joel can't control
Where the movies begin or end (la-la-la)
Because he used those special parts
To make his robot friends.

Robot Roll Call: (Let's go!)
Cambot! (Pan left!)
Gypsy! (Hi, girl!)
Tom Servo! (What a cool guy!)
Croooow! (What a wisecracker!)

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes
and other science facts (la la la),
Then repeat to yourself, "It's just a show,
I should really just relax
For Mystery Science Theater 3000!"

They also changed the lyrics when Joel left the show in 1996, and Mike came onboard, but to be honest Joel is the more funny of the two.
Once you have seen this great and hilarious show, you may want to buy your own set. If you do, I recommend you to Go Here. I MUST recommend two movies, Cave Dwellers and Pod People. They are so far the best ones ever made, my friends who have never heard of them were rolling on the ground laughing!

There is also episodes of MST3K at blockbuster.... Go Here
To know more about this hilarious show, I recommend going to:
MST3K History

Fantasy Football Rawwwwr!!!


Can you tell that I love football? Thanks to my family, I’m now hooked on Football. It all started when my dad purchased Sunday Ticket on our Direct TV at home. For those who don't know what that is, Sunday Ticket is where you can get all 13 games at the same time, basically I can watch whatever game I want on Sunday. The awesome part of that is you never get any commercials, just flip the channel. That was awesome for awhile, but then my brother introduced us to Fantasy Football, and I haven't been the same since. To those who know what Fantasy Football is, the first thing you think about is Yahoo Fantasy Football, well, that is CRAP! We go on sportingnews.com. It's a salaried game so you have to use your math skills. You start with $5million dollars to buy your 11 players. 2QB's, 3RB's, 3WR's, 1TE, 1K and 1Defense. Every week you get 4 trades so we have to use them wisely. Each player can earn points by either passing, rushing and making TD's. You can also lose points by fumbles, sacks and missing field goals. We play on a 10 person league, and the person who finishes first at the end of the season gets $50. But if you are good enough to make it to the top of the nation you can earn up to $5,000.

Our league name is Anti-Packers (go figure, since we live in Mn) and we get pretty brutal when all of us go home and cheer for our own players. Sure I may not know a lot, but unlike most 21yr old girls, I can watch 13 games of football and never complain! Look for me at the bars on Sunday, right in front of the wide screen!
And now, a personal touch

Q:What's the difference between a Packer fan and a puppy?

A: Sooner or later the puppy grows up and quits wining!

Q: Why does Lambau Field have natural Grass?

A: The cheerleaders need somewhere to graze

Q: What do Packer fans and a beer bottle have in common?

A: They're both empty from the neck up


Don't use your computer for homework! Good Lordy!

<>Is it safe to say that I know nothing about computers? Well, that's not 100% true, I do know a few things. For instance, if my computer doesn't start up normally, something is wrong. If I get a popup from my antivirus software saying that I have a virus, I shouldn't ignore it and think that my computer is playing a trick, (silly computer) What I do know, is how to entertain myself. In the next few minutes that you read this, put down the pen and paper, put down that 80 dollar book and please tell your roommate that you don't have any money whatsover so she could waste it on a date. This is your time, your time to bond with your computer, expand your relationship. Two... becomes.. One!

First and foremost.
Site #1 HomeStarRunner:
Anyone who has ever surfed the web has probably heard of this site, or have seen shirts or window clings. If not, I recommend going here now. Here are some of my favorite cartoons.
Childrens Book
Teen Girl Squad
If you like these, there are plenty more on the homestarrunner website!

Site #2 Engrish
Engrish can be simply defined as the humorous English mistakes that appear in not only Japanese but other languages in advertising and product design. Here are some of the best ones, but feel free to browse around!
Video Game
uh oh

(A work in progress, look for updated sites)